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Free Pruning Demo at Balboa Park

Annual Rose Pruning Demonstration, Balboa Park Rose Garden

Inez Grant Park Memorial Garden
2125 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101

Free and open to the public!

Please join our Consulting Rosarians in Balboa Park’s Inez Grant Parker Rose Garden for our FREE Annual Public Rose Pruning Demonstration. We’ll meet near the fountain on the north end of the garden. January is the best time for pruning San Diego roses to prepare them for the coming year’s bloom cycles, and whether you are a novice or an experienced pruner, this demonstration is an excellent opportunity to dust off your pruning skills, and brush up on pruning rules of thumb as you prepare to get your own roses ready for the year with confidence. We’ll be demonstrating pruning techniques for hybrid teas, floribundas, and climbing roses. (Our January Rose Ramblings will also include a comprehensive pruning article, so you can refer to that in addition to seeing and trying pruning techniques in person.)

Be sure to bring your own clippers and gloves, as you will also have a chance to prune a rose bush (or bushes!) with our demonstrators’ support.

Note that the demonstration is also a great opportunity to tune up your tools! The UCCE Master Gardener Tool Care Committee volunteers are partnering with us again this year to offer free sharpening of one pair of pruners for interested participants. Come a little early to drop off your pruners for sharpening so you can pick them up for the hands-on part of the demonstration!

If you are able to join us and able to help as well, we need a number of volunteer greeters to liaison with members of the public, making them feel welcome as they arrive and helping them connect with “small” demonstration groups. The great volunteers who have helped with this event in the past have been so appreciated…the extra outreach really makes a difference! Here’s the link for volunteer sign-up:

Contact Steve Berry or Natalie Stout if you need more information about the event (or to volunteer if the link isn’t your thing.)

8:30 a.m. is reporting time for volunteers and Consulting Rosarians, the public “start time” is 9:00 a.m.

Come a little early if you can…this San Diego Rose Society Community Education is always well attended.

You’ll find parking in the lots on the west side of Park Blvd, and we will have donuts for our volunteers!

December 8

Holiday Party, Board Installation and Awards Presentations

January 18

Free Pruning Demo with Ruth Tiffany