Message from our president
Dear fellow members of the San Diego Rose Society:
The San Diego Rose Society, which began in 1927, is one of the largest societies affiliated with the American Rose Society and may have the largest membership. I believe that this has been accomplished by its great leadership over the years as well as it’s supporting membership. I know that the past few months have strained us emotionally and physically as we have all dealt with the COVID19 situation. As the County of San Diego begins to open up various portions of our city, the San Diego Rose Society must also begin to stretch and prepare for our September meeting and beyond. The major task is the preparation for 2021 which will entail the replacement of most of the Board of Directors. I will remain as Past President to provide continuity for those stepping in to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors.
This year offers a particularly difficult assignment for the Nominating Committee. The present officers not only have met their term limits but also have reached the end of their really productive administrative years. Without naming names or birthdays I want to inform you that the average age of key members of the board is stretching near or over 80 years of age. This is not a healthy situation for any organization and must certainly be addressed and brought into alignment. According to our ByLaws the Nominating Committee is charged with bringing prospective names for the 2021 Board to the membership at the October meeting and voted on during the November meeting. These elected officers will be installed at the December Christmas Dinner and Awards presentation.
Being a board member is not a difficult job. It does require a willingness to attend the monthly meetings and a board meeting early in the meeting month on a predetermined date.
We do need to fill the following positions: President, First Vice President Programs, Second Vice President Membership, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
Additionally, we have our three members at large and one person to join the Rose Garden Trust. It is now time for a handful of our talented members to step up and fill the vacancies. In order to keep the society humming along as normal, new fresh ideas and personalities must be brought into play. I encourage you to contact myself or Bob Kolb, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, for more information on each of the vacancies. This is a great opportunity for more involvement. Your San Diego Rose Society needs to stay strong and we need YOU.
Blessings, Ken Huff, President of the SDRS. .