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Monthly Meeting: New & Upcoming Roses

Our monthly meeting for February will take place on Monday, February 24th beginning with our Consulting Rosarian’s Corner at 6:30 p.m. followed by our speaker’s presentation at 7:00 p.m. (Please note: This is the fourth Monday of the month instead of our usual third Monday.)

We are honored to welcome and hear Andy Klittich, General Manager of Otto & Sons, speak about “New Upcoming Roses Available This Season and What To Do In Your Garden for the Winter Months.” Andy Klittich is a third-generation nurseryman. Born and raised in Fillmore, California, Andy developed a deep-rooted passion for the nursery industry and a love of roses from an early age. Growing up, he helped his parents with nursery operations and even attended Otto & Sons Nursery’s first Rose Days event at just two years old. Andy pursued his love of plants and agriculture by earning a degree in Agricultural and Environmental Plant Sciences from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, with a concentration in Plant Protection and a minor in Crop Science. This education enabled him to earn his Pest Control Advisor (PCA) License, allowing him to provide expert recommendations to help growers manage diseases effectively.

Before joining his family business full time in 2018, Andy gained valuable experience working for a crop protection company as a PCA. Now as General Manager of Otto & Sons Nursery, he oversees daily operations and ensures customer satisfaction. Andy is committed to preserving the family business legacy while driving innovation to meet the evolving needs of the business and its customers.

I want to thank our members for their continued support of our San Diego Rose Society. Our meeting docket for speakers is filling up this year. If there is a specific topic or program idea you may have, please feel free to contact Zella Burk zellaburk at or any Board Member with your ideas.

We will have a Consulting Rosarian’s Corner this month. There will also be an auction of roses.

**The ‘Photo Corner’ with Kristine Russell has been postponed.**

See you there!

Directions to Casa del Prado, Room 101: The Casa del Prado building is immediately west of the Natural History Museum. Entrances to the Casa del Prado lead to an inner court. The rooms are accessible from the court. Room 101 is downstairs on the east end of the court.

January 27

Monthly Meeting: Planning a Rose Garden

March 17

March - Monthly Meeting & Potluck